“The” Cardigan – Tanacross

I finally found "the" cardigan I've been looking for. After I had my last baby (over 3 years ago!), my mom bought me a cardigan that changed my wardrobe. It had a flowy front, was made of natural, breathable fibers, and I started throwing it over everything! When I found the Tanacross, I thought, "Well hey--that... Continue Reading →

Double Hood “Tami” with Thumbhole Cuffs – Winter Sewing

This winter, I think I've been pickier than seasons in the past. I'm at the point where I know the styles that I like, and I want to create a specific wardrobe. I often find myself wearing my cute clothes at home (after all, that's all I sew 😉 )...and then throwing one of my hubby's... Continue Reading →

Summer Cool-Down with On-Trend Comfort

You might be asking, "Who drinks coffee in the middle of the road?"  Well, welcome to my life.  ...a little morning photoshoot definitely called for some warm brew. So as our hot days transition to cool mornings, I have a couple of favorite sews (and fabrics) to share!      Shorts First up are the perfect morning... Continue Reading →

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